Akatsuki Log Horizon Weiss Schwarz Review Level 0

Greetings! This week I have some other (much shorter) Weiss review! This time effectually I will be discussing the Log Horizon Ability up fix! For those who are unfamiliar with what a ability upwards set up is, a power upwards set up is a set of viii cards meant to take an older set and make it more competitive with the current meta. The power up sets include a small storage box, a pack of sleeves, a deck box and 4 copies of 8 dissimilar cards. At that place are 8 foils in the set, one of each unlike card.


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There are four copies of each card listed below. Let's take a look at the get-go card!


Isuzu, Verse form She Wants to Recite   LH/SP02-01

Trait one: 魔法 (Magic)
Trait 2: 音楽 (Music)

[A] [Discard a Climax carte du jour from your hand to the Waiting Room] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you lot may pay cost. If so, choose a Character in your Waiting Room with either ::Weapon:: and/or ::Magic:: and return it to your hand.
[A] When this Straight Attacks, choose 1 of your other Characters, and that Graphic symbol gains +1500 Power for the plough.

This bill of fare remedies two of the issues that the Log Horizon set up had. This card  gives the set a skilful option for handfixing and a affordable ways of boosting power. The manus ready is a really  niceinclusion hither. Because of the goose egg toll this may be improve than the searcher whose 2nd ability didn't practice much. Trading a climax for a card in the waiting room is arguably meliorate than a standard searcher. The second ability is nice too. There were cards in the original ready which pumped ability but the cost of these cards prevented them from being effective in the deck. Yes you need an open slot on the opponents field for this to work but at level 0 and 1 this is possible. Those levels are where the boosted power will be needed the most. Also a possibility of pumping the level 3 Akatsuki from the EB is besides adept to turn down. Since y'all need a lot of stock to have an constructive endgame with this set, a carte du jour which has two good abilities each with no stock cost is a welcome addition.

Tetra, Bishoujo Idol?  LH/SP02-02


Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic)
Trait 2: 音楽 (Music)

[A] When the Battle Opponent of this becomes Reversed, you lot may cull a Character in your Waiting Room and return information technology to your hand. If and so, discard a card from your hand to the Waiting Room.
[A] When this becomes Reversed, if the Level of the Battle Opponent of this is higher than the Level of your Opponent, you may Reverse that Character.

Log Horizon now gets the current trendy tech in many sets. The power to destroy a level three which is summoned early is really powerful. Usually additional resources are spent to summon a card early and this menu for only 1 stock can make that a wasted effort. In add-on for no additional price you lot have the possibility of setting your endgame and getting a card to supplant what y'all just played. If your opponent doesn't run early on summon level 3s than the carte du jour tin can be a dead play at times. At 6000 power, you have to hope that a level 0 or weak level i is on the field to pull of the hand fix ability. This cards effectiveness does depend on the opponent but at 1 or 2 copies this is a squeamish tool to add to a deck.

"Shadow Lurk" Akatsuki   LH/SP02-03


Trait 1: 武器 (Weapon)
Trait two: 忍 (Ninja)

[C] If at that place are two or fewer Climax cards in your Waiting Room, this gets -1 Level while in your mitt.
[C] If yous have three or more other Characters with either ::Weapon:: and/or ::Magic::, this gains +1500 Power.
[A] When this is placed from hand to the Phase, wait at up to X cards from top of your Library and choose upward to one of them and put it in your hand. Put the residual in your Waiting Room. Ten = # of your Characters with either ::Weapon:: and/or ::Magic::.

If you have any doubts as a Log Horizon player concerning the new cards, this card should put that to rest. This is a corking carte du jour, probably the all-time card in the Power Up Set. You have 3 abilities which are all quite useful. The set up now has a viable lvl 2 play option with an piece of cake early summon status and a sizable power stat at level two. In addition the on play ability is neat for setting up the Level 3 endgame combo. It is of import to note that the text says to choose a CARD not CHARACTER meaning you can add together a climax to your hand likewise. Once again we take a carte du jour which helps with some flaws in Log Horizon. The level 2 play was pretty lackluster and the level 3 climax combo could exist difficult to execute at times. With this card both issues are taken care of. A not bad card which many sets would love to have .

Minori, Shiroe'due south Educatee        LH/SP02-04

Trait ane: 魔法 (Magic)
Trait 2: 双子 (Twins)

[A] At the get-go of your Climax Phase, choose 1 of your Characters, and that Character gains +500 Power for the turn.
[Due south] Brainstorm [(1) Rest this] Flip over the height four cards of your Library and put them in the Waiting Room. For each Climax card revealed this manner, search your Library for upward to ane Grapheme with either ::Weapon:: and/or ::Music::, reveal it, put it in your manus, and shuffle your Library.

There is no doubtfulness that this is a skilful menu especially in the context of the set. The merely other brainstromer let yous draw cards instead of search. Considering that draw effects can very easily backfire, the search begin pick is much needed. I besides similar the secondary effect to this card. In the early game the random additional 500 power can be quite useful with the overall set on power of this set being a bit low. There are improve brainstormers in the game including ones which give a continuous power buff but I won't complain likewise much almost getting a search begin. This card is another reason that if yous are a Log Horizon player that you lot would want to invest in this gear up.

"Dual Wielding" Nyanta    LH/SP02-05


Trait one: 武器 (Weapon)
Trait ii: コック (Cook)

[C] If there are ii or fewer cards in your Stock, this gains +1500 Ability.

A simple simply useful carte. We take another option for level o beaters besides the Shojirou from the EB. That carte du jour was skillful but the ability could be easily countered past some sets. The ability condition is really easy to manage here and with the global support y'all can accept 4500 wall for the starting time couple of turns. This is a good card.

William Massachusetts     LH/SP02-06


Trait 1: 武器 (Weapon)
Trait two: None

[C] For each of your other Characters with either ::Weapon:: and/or ::Magic::, this gains +500 Power.
[A] When this attacks, if "Gamer's Pride" is in the Climax Zone, reveal the top card of your Library. If it's a Character with either ::Weapon:: and/or ::Magic::, put it in your paw. (Otherwise put it back where information technology was)

Gamer'south Pride      LH/SP02-08


Triggers: Soul Gate

[C] All your Characters gain +m Power and +1 Soul.

The gear up now has a really skilful level 1 climax combo. I like this blazon of combo because information technology doesn't rely on having to impale your opponent to add together menu to hand. You can simply play it safe by side attacking and potentially adding a card to hand for use on your next turn. The philharmonic is but as skillful as the climax and the climax is a practiced climax especially in the context of this prepare. The climax information technology combos it with is a climax gate so besides grants power potentially boosting this carte du jour up to over 7000 power for the turn. This is actually prissy for 0 stock. Since the power really doesn't affair to pulling off the combo, filling the field to boost the power of this card is not necessary all the time. Also with all of the encore characters at level 1, keeping the cards ability buffed won't be equally much of an issue every bit with cards in other sets. This is a really skilful climax combo.

"Full Raid" Shiroe      LH/SP02-07


Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic)
Trait two: メガネ (Spectacles)

[C] If all your Characters are either ::Weapon:: and/or ::Magic::, this gains +1000 Power.
[A] When this becomes Reversed, if you accept ane or fewer other Graphic symbol with either ::Weapon:: and/or ::Magic::, put this in your Clock.

This carte du jour isn't a bad ane, I just feel that it is the weakest carte in this group. A ane/0 6500 card is a good card to include if the downside isn't terrible.These cards do a lot of work at level 1 as many sets are going for more utility than ability these days. It'south non perfect yet. There might exist some scenarios where this is the simply the only play you have in your hand when you have an empty or near empty field. The inability to encore plus take extra damage in that case could plow out to be bad. The status to gain the ability is insanely easy so it will ever be 6500 power. A 6500 no toll card in a deck with a stock intensive endgame is always useful. This carte is just a bit more of a run a risk than some other options in the gear up. This card is skillful despite all this and is worth consideration. It is just the least desirable card in this grouping.

Overall the cards included in this power gear up are all really quite good. The cards all aid to fill needs that the Log Horizon had. Do these cards completely change the strength of the set? The answer to that is no every bit the fix hasn't gotten to ability level of a set like To Beloved Ru or improved as greatly equally Index did after the comeback entrada.  However, what it does do is brand the decks played much more than consequent. The level 1 game is stronger, there are viable lvl two gameplay options and the endgame is improved all because  most of these cards assist to become you what you demand to execute the deck's gameplan. The consistency was the biggest problem with the fix equally a whole and these cards solve that issue. We have a skillful group of cards here and if you lot are a Log Horizon player, I certainly recommend that you pick upwardly a set or buy singles of these cards every bit they will assist your deck out considerably.

That concludes this set review. I do intend to do a fix review for the Log Horizon set coming soon and am exploring writing most the Clannad power upward set also. If y'all have whatever comments concerning these cards please annotate downwardly beneath or on my Facebook (Railgunfan75's Geek Blog) or Twitter Folio (@Railgunfan75). If y'all have any suggestions for future posts or content please go out feedback on those sites besides. Also delight check out MadMaz Reviews (madmazreviews.com) where you can find Picture show, Tv, and Anime reviews written past the sites founder Maz and more than content by yours truly. And then until next time, this is Railgunfan75 signing off!


Source: https://railgunfan75.wordpress.com/2016/04/21/weiss-schwarz-weekly-4-21-2016-log-horizon-power-up-set-review/

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