| | | | Flat Grave Marker: $250-$1,800+ | | Bevel, Slant or Pillow Marker: $350-$2,800+ | | Upright Monument on a Base: $1,000-$10,000+ | | All types of grave markers can be called monuments, and the various terms -- marker, headstone, monument -- are often used interchangeably. Depending on personal preference and cemetery rules, a grave marker can range from a flat stone marker flush to the ground to the classic upright rest-in-peace cross or tablet-style headstone to a three-dimensional statue on an inscribed pedestal, and everything in-between. Monuments-of-Distinction.com illustrates four types of markers and monuments. Typical costs: | - A simple flat grave marker, usually granite, starts between $250 and $600. Prices depend on the color of the stone and on the amount of lettering and artwork in the inscription. It can cost $800-$1,800 or more for a bronze marker or rare colors of granite, with extensive lettering and artwork. HeadstonesAndMonuments.com[1] offers basic 24-by-12-inch granite markers three or four inches thick for $285-$450, while E.F Design Studio[2] sells flat granite grave markers for $500-$1,100, and Ever Life Memorials[3] has bronze grave markers for $660-$2,500.
- A bevel, slant or pillow marker typically sticks up about 12 to 18 inches from the ground, and the inscription area on the top surface is at an angle. Typical prices are $350-$2,800 or more, depending on the size and type of materials (usually granite, bronze or both) and the amount of lettering and artwork. CustomHeadstones.net[4] sells slant granite markers for $380-$900, while E.F. Design Studio[5] charges $700-$2,800 with sizes ranging from 24-by-10-by-16-inches to 36-by-10-by-16-inches.
- An upright monument on a base starts between $1,000 and $3,000 for a simple tablet or other shape, but can be $3,000-$10,000 and more depending on the complexity of the design, the quality of materials and the complexity of the lettering and sculptural carving. E.F. Design Studio offers simple vertical tablets[6] for $900-$1,800 and heart-shaped headstones[7] for $1,150-$3,300, including a base and shipping. Thompson Monuments sells a variety of angel monuments[8] for $4,000-$6,200, including a base. Shipping is extra.
Related articles: Gravesites, Casket, Lawn Crypt, Mausoleum, Funeral | What should be included: | - Granite is the most common material. Typically the stone is quarried, cut into slabs 3 to 12 or more inches thick at a manufacturing plant and polished as required. It is then shipped to a monument builder. Generally the design will be laid out on a computer then printed onto a rubber stencil that's used to sandblast the design onto the stone. It can take two to six months from ordering to installation. The Monument Builders of North America describes how monuments are made[9] .
- Markers or monuments may also be marble or bronze, and may include additions such as a vase, lighting or a photograph. The Monument Builders of North America provides an overview of monument materials and finishes[10] .
- Ordering the grave marker or headstone is usually the final detail in burying a loved one. Some Hispanic and Jewish traditions call for an "unveiling" of a grave marker within a year, but otherwise there is no standard time for installing a grave marker, according to US-Funerals.com[11] .
- Most cemeteries require a specific amount of time to pass before the headstone marker can be placed on the grave, to allow the dirt over the grave to settle.
Additional costs: | - Shipping costs vary considerably depending on the size, weight and distance.
- Cemeteries typically charge for installation. Prices start at $50-$200 to "set" a simple flat marker and increase depending on size and complexity, and how much of a foundation is needed. St. Michael Cemetery[12] in Boston charges $100 to set a flush marker and $150 per square foot for a monument foundation, with a $300 foundation minimum.
- The grave will be unmarked until the monument is installed. The funeral home or cemetery may supply a temporary marker of glass and aluminum for about $20-$30, or a do-it-yourself marker can be made with an aluminum photo frame, secured to the ground with a small metal stake.
- For a marker purchased in advance, engraving just the death date later on can be $50-$200 or more, depending on location and what's included. David's Cemetery[13] in Ohio estimates this fee averages $100-$170.
Discounts: | - Honorably discharged veterans of U.S. military service are eligible for a free grave marker or monument from the Department of Veterans Affairs. There's no charge for installing this free marker in a national cemetery, but there can be "setting" fees ($50-$200) in a private cemetery.
- Some monument makers give a discount for monuments ordered during the slower winter months and installed in the spring or summer.
Shopping for headstones: | - It's best to have the cemetery approve the design in advance before ordering any sort of grave marker. Cemetery rules range from allowing only flat markers to allowing upright headstones, monuments or statues but dictating the size or type of materials used.
- Consumers have a legal right to order a marker or monument from a source other than the funeral home or cemetery as long as the monument meets the cemetery's guidelines. Many people prefer to wait to order the monument to allow time to decide what will be most appropriate.
- Most monument builders require a deposit to start work, usually half the total cost. Ask to see samples of their work, and get a clear idea of how long it will take to design, construct and install the monument. Search by state for local members of the Monument Builders of North America.
| | Post | | Comments (15) | | | | CostHelper News | | | What People Are Paying - Recent Comments | Posted by: a user in Warsaw, IN. | Posted: May 30th, 2020 12:05PM | Size of Headstone: 60x22x44 | Material: Granite | | | Posted by: W. Scott in Memphis, TN. | Posted: December 13th, 2019 06:12AM | Size of Headstone: 48x18 | Material: Granite\Bronze | Maker: Matthews | Bronze on granite with vase, basic lettering nothing additional. Ordered 7/18/2019 (Crone Memorials)many calls and corrections as it appeared order was lost, had to create drawing using Matthews online design book of what we ordered to salesperson. Headstone was $4,326.00. Stonemor out of PA owns cemetery (Memphis, TN), charged $548.00 to set, does not allow any others to set headstones nor do they allow footings. Call from cemetery to sign agreement to set 11/15/19. Ask to see headstone was told " no, it's at our shop and it's too muddy" Have not seen headstone and it still has not been set after receiving to date 12/13/2019. We have had some rain, a few below freezing temps but also sunny days. We were never told they wouldn't be setting the headstone during winter months. They all have their money, my family has nothing. So sad how you are treated during a loved ones passing and the grief you are walking with. | | Posted by: Tiffany Mullen in west chester, NV. | Posted: November 18th, 2019 12:11PM | Size of Headstone: 24x14 | Material: | In 2014 purchased same marker for grandmom at $1900.00. I was told they had a stockpile of markers on hand at that time. Now with increases and ordering each by itself prices have increased. I feel its very expensive but when you are grieving and no one is there helping you that's what you do | | Posted by: PD in Lancaster County, PA. | Posted: October 26th, 2019 07:10AM | Size of Headstone: 32x8x26 | Material: Impala Black Granite | Maker: Anonymous | Fall of 2019, purchased impala black granite headstone with artwork including scroll, two crosses, roses, connecting bars, lettering. Base is 38x14x8. Upright is 32x8x26. Price is $4,177. Foundation is $266 and is paid to cemetary. | | Posted by: D. Jackson in Chicago, IL. | Posted: September 25th, 2019 10:09AM | Size of Headstone: 24 x 10 x 6 | Material: Granite | Maker: Cemetery supplier | Is this reasonable for just the foundation alone to be installed for a small market? I still have to pay for the market itself and it's installation! | | Posted by: John Powell in Rockford, IL. | Posted: May 19th, 2019 10:05AM | Size of Headstone: 24x12 flat | Material: | | | Posted by: Randy Gerber in Salem, OR. | Posted: October 9th, 2017 10:10PM | Maker: Unknown | Representative of Cemetery sold my family a granite 40"/20"/4" flat lying marker, custom designed so called. Shocked it was so high, expected it would be 600 to as high as 1,200, never 3,300. I'm questioning if price was jacked up knowing we wouldnt know the true cost. | | Posted by: Venus Harris in Weyers Cave, VA. | Posted: June 22nd, 2017 03:06AM | | | Posted by: Travis in Louisville, KY. | Posted: April 12th, 2017 10:04PM | Maker: Granite | | | Posted by: Debra Cronan in Conyers, GA. | Posted: September 29th, 2016 08:09PM | Maker: Jasper Ned Cronan | Jan. 21, 1934 Sept. 1,2016 Forever in our hearts | | Posted by: Tony722 in Manasses, VA. | Posted: March 30th, 2016 03:03PM | Size of Headstone: 60X 22 x 44 Tall w/vase | Material: @ differenst shades Granite | Maker: Custom | Includes installation ( but not Foundation in a different state other then where made. Laser and engraved portion on front & back of monument | | Posted by: bjones1 in Raleigh, NC. | Posted: March 9th, 2016 06:03PM | | | Posted by: Dee45 in Raleigh, NC. | Posted: February 5th, 2015 05:02PM | Size of Headstone: 28x18x4 | Material: Granite | Bronze Memorial. 24 x 12, vase included, also includes $430 for installation & re-alignment | | Posted by: [email protected] in Angola, NY. | Posted: November 14th, 2014 01:11AM | Maker: Edna L Smith | Beloved wife, mother, and grandma. Always in or hearts | | Posted by: Vera 1955 in Bordentown, NJ. | Posted: March 6th, 2013 11:03AM | Size of Headstone: 24 X12 - No taller than 3 FT. | Material: Granite - Gray | Maker: unsure | This is the quote we received...does not include flower or cross...just letteringrnrnMy husband wants to know if this is a reasonable price? Can we do better? | | | | External Resources: | - www.headstonesandmemorials.com/
- www.efdesignstudio.com/grassmarkers.htm
- www.everlifememorials.com/headstones-s/19.htm
- www.customheadstones.net/
- www.efdesignstudio.com/slant_markers.htm
- www.efdesignstudio.com/vertical_dies.htm
- www.efdesignstudio.com/unique_heart_prices.htm
- www.thompsonmonuments.com/leaning_angel_on_heart.html
- www.monumentbuilders.org/consumers_how_monuments_are_made.php
- www.monumentbuilders.org/consumers_monument_materials.php
- www.us-funerals.com/memorials.html
- www.stmichaelcemetery.com/
- www.davidscemetery.com/ServicesProductsAndPricing
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